
How Goes It With America

Witness firsthand accounts of the challenges our youth face—from escalating violence to the declining state of public education. A former school psychologist and juvenile probation officer lends a critical eye, highlighting the urgency of caring for our young. Understand why public education is vital for democracy and our global leadership. Don’t miss this riveting exploration!

The Quest for Peace

Witness firsthand accounts of the challenges our youth face—from escalating violence to the declining state of public education. A former school psychologist and juvenile probation officer lends a critical eye, highlighting the urgency of caring for our young. Understand why public education is vital for democracy and our global leadership. Don’t miss this riveting exploration!

The State of the Republic

Unravel the intricate tapestry of political shifts, societal changes, and the echoing repercussions since WWII. Feel the pulse of a nation at a crossroads, teetering between past legacy and future promise. Witness the urgency, the clamor for change, and the thirst for understanding. Are you ready to decode the chaos and be part of the nation’s reawakening? Get your copy now and ignite your journey through America’s transformative saga!

An Educational and Family Friendly Prospectus

Today’s world is more problematic for many young people matriculating into adulthood. One can easily get sidetracked if not fully aware of his or her identity and potentials; that is, interests, capabilities, goals, social disposition and temperament. Young people of America, in the very near future, will be taking the reins of power in setting the course and destiny of the Country which is to carry the torch of liberty (with responsibility I might add) to realize one’s destiny with freedom from oppression and open doors for unfettered opportunity.

Reflections on Institutional Catholic-ism

Many Catholics, today, struggle with issues of faith in the Church and yet, as children, have been intimidated from questioning the “sacred dogma” for fear of jeopardizing their “immortal soul”. To a child growing up Catholic the unquestioned authority of priests pre-dispose children to the seductive influences of this kind of power and with priestly robes cast an aura of Godly authority.

Coping with Life

Coping with Life is about how we adapt to our existence—either successfully or unsuccessfully or anywhere in between. This is not a black or white treatment. We all have strengths and weaknesses and varying degrees of coping skills because we are all human. However, I maintain that the quality of our adaptations in life largely rest upon how we were raised as children.

Wings Over Normandy

This is a story about one young man of Irish immigrant parents growing up in San Francisco and entering the Army shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

During his high school years, he worked at the Fisherman’s Wharf on weekends, where he fell in love with the daughter of a fishing boat skipper. This relationship ends in tragedy as the war begins. After joining the military service, he qualifies for flight school and then goes to Europe as the pilot of a B-26 medium attack bomber-the type that was used almost exclusively during the Normandy invasion of June 6, 1944.

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